This is real and This is me ♥: TX, NEW CONCEPT STORE AT HARTONO MALL JOGJA


3:15 PM

So yesterday i’ve got an invitation from TX , for their grand launching new concept store at Hartono Mall, Yogyakarta. Thank you so much for having me! 

hartono mall jogja
Photo by Heyawi

The event was so fun. There are a lot fo people come to see all the gorgeous host, and of course to shop because they get an extra voucher and of course a lof discount! OMG, girl never say no for that, right? Including me hehehe. 

hartono mall jogja
Photo by Heyawi

When everyone outside the store looking for the host and take a picture, me and Amel (girl behind ….. ) so busy looking for a clothes that match with us hehehe, because i felt so happy to look at their collection. 

Ups, have i expland about the TX Store concept? Not yet, right? 
Well, TX Store is actually a store by The Executive that’s make a collaboration with Colorbox and Tirajeans. So, when you go inside, you’ll see not only The Executive collection, but also some collection from Colorbox (my favorite store btw) and of course Tirajeans. 

hartono mall jogja

hartono mall, jogja
Photo by Heyawi

Back to the story, 
Me and Amel were so busy till we forgot that we have to meet a long queue. hehehe need to be patient, right? 

Huft… finally after a long way choosing which one is the best for us, we decide the right one, oh sorry i got 3 pieces of clothes hehehe. All my favorite are from Colorbox, and like it so much. Will update some OOTD post, just wait for it ya! 

Once again, congrats for the new store!! 

And girls, don’t forget to come and shop! 

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  1. the store looks great!
    love your outfit

  2. Tx itu kepanjangannya apa? Sama kayak The Executive ya?

  3. great post dear love your top. Merry Christmas. =) feel free to drop by on my blog. keep in touch =) http://www.nanajover.com/

  4. i love TX! and I am kind of missing Jogjaaaa, so you are from Jogja?
    you're outfit is totally cool! <3


  5. Ahhh my one of fav brand... Executive sama colorbox. Aku suka konsep baru mereka
