This is real and This is me ♥: (ANOTHER) SHORT TRIP TO BANDUNG


1:09 PM

So, actually, this is just another holiday post before the new year. Yaps, I spend my holiday time to Bandung (again) because there is an event i should came. And again ... I love coming here hahaha.

So, me and my boyfriend chose to ride the train from Yogyakarta to Bandung and arrived at the station at 8 am. Because it will waste our time if we have to go to my boyfriend's home ( it's around 1-2 hours from Bandung city) finally we decided to just enjoy our holiday without any car or motorcyle. 

The first destination, after I took a shower at the station (i have to hahaha) We both ate Lontong sayur (which he says) is well-known here, sorry i forgot the name, but it's near to station. After that, we went to Kebun Bnga Begonia in Lembang. You only need to pay Rp.10,000, but if you carry a camera or something like that you have to spend another Rp.50.000 again hmmm ....

Btw, I like it here, or maybe because I like flowers hehehe. There are a lot of cute spots to took a picture floral background. You can also play with the rabbit and horse riding (of course you need to pay again) Hungry? there is also a restaurant that not too expensive anyway if you ask me.

After we tired to take pictures in the flowers like syahrini do, we finally went on a trip to the Floating Market Lembang. Actually, it's not too far, but because we have to ride on public transport that comes so late, so finally we had to wait almost half an hour hmmm ....

Well, if you want to come here you have to pay Rp. 15,000 and you have to exchange your money with some unique coin from Floating Market to buy some foods and play inside. Yaps, you have to pay more girls hahahah. Having tired of playing at the Floating Market .. we finally decided to go to the city of Bandung, to ..... PVJ! Hahaha Paris Van Java for shopping hahaha. Actually, i'm not planning to have that shopping time anyway, but i wanna tried Richeese Factory which is so hits and not yet opened at Yogyakarta ....

Once full ..... finally we have to go to....? Ups.. don't wanna tell you! Hehehe just wait for another post yes! Sorry for incomplete information about the place, maybe I wasn't suitable to be a travel blogger hahaha. Look! I just post an OOTD photo hahaha. The point is if wanna spend your holiday to Begonia Gardens and the Floating Market, you must spend a budget at least 300,000 and or depending on what vehicle you ride. See you!

what i wear: Top: Centro | Cullot: Mangos | Shoes: Amazara | Bag: Otani 

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  1. topi nya lucuk
    aku aja bellos tuh ke taman begonia padahal dekat haha

    The Sweetest Escape

  2. Bandung memang luar biasa tempatnya <3

  3. Great post dear, really interesting photos.

  4. So amazing photos and beautiful look!


  5. Wish I can go there! Tempatnya instagramable sekali :))


  6. Bandung deserves to become tourist destinations in Indonesia.
